Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Cahaya Misterius Melintas Di Langit Utah , County

Beberapa warga melaporkan ke pihak berwenang bahwa mereka telah melihat 'cahaya misterius' yang melayang melintasi langit salah satu daerah di Utah County, 27 January 2011. Mike Galbraith, seorang saksi sempat mengabadikan fenomena benda misterius itu dengan kamera ponselnya. Berita ini dilansir dan diliput media .

Berikut ini kutipan dari ABC 4

AMERICAN FORK, Utah (ABC 4 News) - Reports of strange lights in the night sky have people
in Utah County talking about UFO’s. Three red lights appeared between
7:15 and 7:30 last night. Witnesses say they hovered in formation and
dropped what appeared to be flares.

Lynette Chidester lives in
Highland and is one of those puzzled by what she saw. "I don't believe
in extra-terrestrials.” But she also doesn’t believe the lights were
from airplanes or helicopters. She says they didn’t make a sound, and
there were no blinking lights, just a constant red.

"I noticed
over the roof of the garage a red light and white light and the red
light isn't flashing like a plane light and that's what draws my
attention to it." She says soon there were three red lights and those
lights started dropping white streams.

Mike Galbraith was a few
miles away in American Fork. He was in the parking lot of a shopping
plaza when he saw the lights hanging in the sky. Galbraith was in the Air force
and says his experience caused him to take special notice of the
unusual lights. He grabbed his cell phone and started taking video.

said, "They looked like they were flying in formation perfectly
together and then whatever was dropping looked like it was burning real

Galbraith says he doesn’t believe the trails of white
that dropped straight down from the red lights were flares. He says
military flares don’t look like that. "They usually shoot out the sides,
or they shoot down, and there are a lot of them and you could
definitely hear them." He says there was no sound.

He says he
could not make out the shape of the flying objects, but says they were
unlike any plane or helicopter he has ever seen, and they were flying at
an unusual altitude.

Lynette’s husband also witnessed the lights
and streams. He was once an employee of a company that manufactured
components for military flares.

Lynette says he could not
identify what the flying objects were, but agrees with Galbraith’s
assessment that what was being released was not a flare. “After a couple
of seconds he knew it wasn’t a flare. He didn’t know what it was.”

one else seems to know either. The control tower at the Provo airport
had no reports of anything unusual last night, nor did the Utah County
Sheriffs Department.

Salt Lake International's control tower had
no incidents documented, and officials at Camp Williams also had
nothing to report. Both witnesses we talked to say the objects
eventually just flew away.

Hingga kini pihak berwenang belum bisa menjelaskan objek apa sebenarnya yang sedang melintas tersebut. Mereka sangat yakin bahwa cahaya misterius tersebut bukan hanya flare pada kamera. Sebab dalam rekaman Mike Galbrait, objek tersebut terlihat berkelap-kelip dan sedang bergerak.

Apakah objek tersebut adalah sebuah Pesawat atau Satelit yang kebetulan sedang melintas ?


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